Our Mission & Vision
To fulfill the healthcare needs of all Canadians by equipping students, professionals, and change-makers with the right tools to make data-driven decisions on workforce resource allocation.
What we doTo fulfill the healthcare needs of all Canadians by equipping students, professionals, and change-makers with the right tools to make data-driven decisions on workforce resource allocation.
What we doGuiding our users to make informed, data-driven decisions.
Dedicated to constantly improving and developing new solutions.
Working closely with our institutional partners and fulfilling user needs.
Committed to honesty and transparency in all our practices.
The Docforce Platform is a first-of-its-kind web-based tool that allows you to seamlessly interact with the most relevant public data on current and projected physician workforces across Canada.
Over 1 million unique data points spanning more than 60 medical specialties from 2015 onwards - all delivered straight to your fingertips.
Our Platform coalesces data from a variety of Canadian agencies, including: the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), the Canadian Post-MD Education Registry (CAPER), the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS), the Ontario Medical Students’ Association (OMSA), and the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). All of this data is hosted publicly and free-of-cost.
Intuitive data exploration that illustrates the most relevant public data on current and projected physician workforces across Canada.
Forecasting physician saturation rates to prevent and correct supply-demand mismatch.
Balancing accuracy, efficiency, and utility, our projection models predict the 3-year physicion-to-100,000 population ratio for every specialty, jurisdiction, and region that has data available for trend analysis. They also predict how competitive resident specialty matching will be up to 3 years in the future.
Providing you with information to help traverse the dense and tortuous jungle of Health Human Resources.
We regularly release and update resources on our Platform that are tailored to individual specialties and regions, in addition to sharing other useful data sources. Not to mention our repository of Program Director survey responses across Canada, who comment on the future outlook and evolution of their respective specialties.
Our work is multi-discplinary and multi-purpose, aimed towards improving the physician workforce and being a force for positive change.
Conducting pan-Canadian survey studies, writing large systematic reviews, and establishing novel workforce predictive models
Our Platform undergoes continuous improvement, rapid deployment, and unabating innovation
Informing medical students, hosting Webinars, and disseminating our findings at national/international conferences
Reaching out to government officials, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to promote and prioritize health human resources
Cite the original data source if any data point is used. You may also cite the following article:
Bourcier D, Collins BW, Tanya SM, Basu M, Sayal AP, Moolla S, Dong A, Balas M, Molcak H, Punchhi G. Modernising physician resource planning: a national interactive web platform for Canadian medical trainees. BMC Health Services Research. 2022 Dec;22(1):1-5.
Contact Michael Balas or any of the other members of Docforce. You can also send an email to [email protected]
This either means the data is not available at the level you are viewing (e.g. available at the provincial but not the regional level) or that the data is not made publicly available. Missing data is denoted by a dash (-).
We update the platform as soon as we receive data from our insitutional partners and perform our quality checks. This typically occurs once annually in the Fall.
Docforce defines medical specialties according to the definitions set out by the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI). Of those, we included specialties that have at least five listed positions offered across Canada for either the residency match (R1), pediatric subspecialty match (PSM), medicine subspecialty match (MSM), or family medicine/enhanced skills match (FM/ES) (see CaRMS website for more details).